1. Markdown

1.1. ✍ Text formatting

Formatting Markdown version Result
Bold **bold** bold
Italic _italic_ italic
Strikethrough ~strikethrough~ ~strikethrough~

1.2. 📌 Titles

  • Heading 1: # A first-level title

  • Heading 2: ## A second-level title

  • Heading 3: ### A third-level title

1.3. 💻 Code blocks

```⏎ creates a new code block.

```py⏎ creates a new code block with Python syntax highlighting.

1.4. 📋 Lists

We automatically detect ordered and un-ordered lists as you type.

Begin a line with - or * to start a bullet list.
Being a line with 1. to start a numbered list. Use Tab to go one level deeper, and Shift+Tab to go up. Begin a line with - [ ] to start a task list.

1.5. 🎤 Quotes

Begin a line with > to create a block quote.

1.6. 🐮 emoji markup

😊 😃 😴

Complete list of github markdown emoji markup

2. References

Markdown 入门参考

Markdown 基本语法

Markdown 菜鸟教程

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